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ag百家乐下三路 German appliance maker Miele committed to further expansion in China
2025-01-02 10:13:44 95
Satisfied with its performance in the Chinese market, German household appliances maker Miele vows to further expand its presence in China.
BERLIN, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- Axel Kniehl, Executive Director of Marketing and Sales of German domestic appliances manufacturer Miele, expressed his satisfaction with the company's performance in the Chinese market and reaffirmed its commitment to further expansion in the country during an exclusive interview with Xinhua.
"We're very, very happy with our performance in China," said Kniehl, who made the remarks at the ongoing IFA 2024, the world's leading trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances that kicked off Friday. "We will continue to expand in the country. There are still many regions where we are not yet present and we will take it step by step."
As an expert in the industry for decades, Kniehl attributed his confidence in the Chinese market to the "typical cycle that the Chinese economy is going through right now," as well as the evolving consumption behaviors resulting from this shift.
"The economy has to redefine its next wave of growth, and while there has been enormous growth, there's still more to come," he said.
He continued by citing a concrete example from his own experience. "When I lived in China years ago, the habit of drinking coffee every morning wasn't common. Now, however, coffee shops are everywhere, with people picking up a cappuccino on their way to work,百家乐ag厅投注限额" he noted.
Kniehl also highlighted dishwashers as a typical example of changing consumer preferences. "Thirty or forty years ago, dishwashers weren't even a topic of discussion in China. But now, more consumers understand the significant benefits of having a dishwasher instead of just a sterilizer," he said. "We have enormous opportunities in this market."
As for the strategy Miele adopted in China, Kniehl emphasized the company's localization efforts to meet the specific needs of Chinese consumers.
"We understand that Chinese consumers have slightly different demands. For example, their needs for gas cooking, extraction hoods, and dishwashing are different from ours. Even their bowls and cutlery differ from European ones," Kniehl explained. "We ensure that our products address these differences, and we will continue to adapt and refine our offerings going forward."
Regarding the fast development of Chinese consumer electronics companies, Kniehl acknowledged both the challenges and opportunities for German companies like Miele. He noted that each side has its advantages, creating a dynamic landscape for collaboration and competition.
"Chinese companies like Haier and Midea are exponentially larger than we are and can invest more heavily in developing technologies," he noted. "However, what we bring to the table is a deeper understanding of consumer needs."
With the expansion of German and European brands into the Chinese market, Kniehl noted that Chinese companies are also increasing their presence in Europe, a trend he expects will continue.
"I believe this is a natural progression in the industry and a positive development for the future of the sectorag百家乐下三路," he said. ■
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