ag百家乐漏洞 《人命韵律:花间蝶舞——茧、蝶、花 》 艺术张开幕
2024 年 10 月 19日,星期六下昼三点,一场备受综合标海外画家Jensen Moreno第12届个东谈主艺术展览在北京的索菲特酒店三层KOCOON SPA 水疗中心无际开幕,为这座充满浓厚东谈主文目的色调的北京深秋带来了一场秀气多彩的艺术盛宴。
On Saturday, October 19, 2024, at 3 pm, the highly anticipated 12th personal art exhibition of international painter Jensen Moreno was grandly opened at the KOCOON SPA on the third floor of the Sofitel Hotel in Beijing, bringing a colorful artistic feast to this deeply humanistic Beijing in late autumn.
(Opening ceremony scene and afternoon tea)
(KOCOON SPA为宾客准备的伴手礼)
(KOCOON SPA's souvenir for guests)
这次来自菲律宾的海外画家Jensen Moreno第12届个东谈主艺术展由KOCOON SPA主办方主办东谈见地珂睿Canna和北京萌智汇文化传播有限公司主办东谈见地灿Anna尽心筹谋归拢出品,海外了得画家Jenson Moreno 带着她特有的艺术作风和创作理念,跳跃国界与文化的界限,在这里展示她的精彩作品。
The 12th solo art exhibition of international painter Jensen Moreno from the Philippines was carefully planned and jointly produced by Zhang Kerui / Canna, the organizer and manager of KOCOON SPA, and Zhang Can / Anna, the manager of Beijing Mengzhihui Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. International outstanding painter Jensen Moreno showcase her wonderful works here with her unique artistic style and creative philosophy, crossing national and cultural boundaries.
(艺术展主办方KOCOON SPA主办东谈主Canna女士)
(Ms. Canna, KOCOON SPA, organizer of the art exhibition)
(菲律宾了得艺术家Jensen Moreno女士)
(Ms. Jensen Moreno, outstanding Filipino artist)
Ms. Zhang Can, founder of Beijing Mengzhihui Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., co producer of the art exhibition
开幕庆典歧视横蛮,驻华大使馆酬酢官,海外艺术界东谈主士、文化闻东谈主、储藏家以及艺术酷好者们王人聚一堂。开幕式现场还收到了来自菲律宾驻华大使馆大使杰米·弗古律斯(Jaime Florcruz)对这次画展的祝颂辞,系数开幕式由张灿Anna主合手现场,主办方代表张珂睿Canna发表了温雅飘溢的致辞,强调了这次展览的紧迫意思意思。Canna暗示,本次展览旨在促进海外间的艺术疏通与调和,为不同文化配景的画家提供一个展示和疏通的平台,同期也让海外艺术酷好者有契机恍悟到天下列国的艺术魔力。而且强调KOCOON在法语心仪味破茧成蝶。茧和蝴蝶,当年和异日,经过转念,破茧而出的人命历程得以完成,从芜俚到秀雅的转念,是人命的名胜。展览中的艺术作品将这一历程艺术化,让不雅者不错深度体验人命在不同阶段的特有之好意思。有些作品态状的是人命的延续,有些则是转念历程中存在的陈迹,正如KOCOON SPA 品牌闹热发展了 16 年,蝴蝶亦然艺术家Jenson Moreno詹森最爱戴的童年齿念之一,亦然她的旅行经验之一。
The atmosphere of the opening ceremony was lively, with diplomats from the Embassy in China, international art figures, cultural celebrities, collectors, and art enthusiasts gathered together. At the opening ceremony, a congratulatory speech was also received from Jaime Florcruz, the Ambassador of the Philippine Embassy in China, for this art exhibition. The entire opening ceremony was presided over by Anna Zhang, and the representative of the organizer, Canna Zhang Kerui, delivered a passionate speech emphasizing the importance of this exhibition. Canna stated that this exhibition aims to promote international artistic exchange and cooperation, provide a platform for artists from different cultural backgrounds to showcase and exchange, and also give international art enthusiasts the opportunity to appreciate the artistic charm of various countries around the world. And emphasize that KOCOON means breaking free from the cocoon and becoming a butterfly in French. The cocoon and butterfly, past and future, undergo transformation and the process of life that emerges from the cocoon is completed. The transformation from ordinary to brilliant is a miracle of life. The artworks in the exhibition artistically transform this process, allowing viewers to deeply experience the unique beauty of life at different stages. Some works depict the continuation of life, while others are traces of transformation. Just as the KOCOON SPA brand has flourished for 16 years. Butterflies are also one of Jensen Moreno's most cherished childhood memories and travel experiences.
(从左顺次为Canna ,Jensen,Anna)(From left to right are Canna, Jensen,Anna)
(从左顺次为Canna ,Anna,Jensen)(From left to right are Canna, Anna, Jensen)
KOCOON SPA品牌主办东谈见地珂睿Canna很欢乐这次和艺术家Jenson Moreno调和并将这些符号性艺术储藏品展示出来,供Spa和艺术酷好者们赏玩。
This exhibition combines the beauty of nature, the mystery of life, the persistence of original intentions, and a constant stream of creativity. Visitors reflect on the meaning and value of life while appreciating art works.
KOCOON SPA brand manager Zhang Kerui / Canna is delighted to collaborate with artist Jensen Moreno and showcase these iconic art collections for spa and art enthusiasts to appreciate.
(Guests, organizers, and artists exchange ideas with each other)
展览现场,AG真人百家乐线路一幅幅致密的画作令东谈主目不暇接。艺术家Jensen Moreno独具个东谈主的艺术推崇手法和艺术推崇步地通过迢遥色调用画看成载体向大家呈现属于她东谈主生无谓阶段、不同故事和内心最柔嫩致密的深处,从传神的写实作品到充满设想力的画作,每一幅作品都蕴含着艺术家Jenson Moreno的深有情怀和特有创造力。其中一副《MARIPOSA》是Jensen童年的故事,亦然本次艺术展最紧迫的作品。2018年,艺术家画了这只蝴蝶,并在同庚公开展出,看成“名东谈主堂”展览的一部分,从当时起,它一直激发着好多东谈主,并以好多不同的神态被师法,在Jensen的艺术之旅中,经验了飞扬和低谷、招供、挑战,这就像东谈主生相同,都是当然发展阶段的一部分,但咱们确信独一有余勇敢、坚定、贤明、优容,您就不错解放地竣事你的盼望高飞! Jenson Moreno的画作在回报一个个动东谈主和饱读励东谈主心的故事,让东谈主们千里浸在艺术的天下中同期备受饱读励和激发东谈主心。
At the exhibition site, exquisite paintings are dazzling. Artist Jensen Moreno has a unique artistic expression technique and form, using a large number of colors and paintings as carriers to present to everyone the softest and most delicate depth of her inner world of her life, different stories, and different stages of her life. From realistic works to imaginative paintings, each work contains the artist Jensen Moreno's deep emotions and unique creativity. One of the pieces, 'MARIPOSA', is Jensen's childhood story and the most important work of this art exhibition. In 2018, the artist painted this butterfly and publicly exhibited it as part of the "Hall of Fame" exhibition. Since then, it has inspired many people and has been imitated in many different ways. In Jensen's artistic journey, it has experienced highs and lows, recognition, and challenges, just like life, which is a natural stage of development. However, we believe that as long as you are brave, strong, wise, and tolerant enough, you can freely achieve your dreams and soar high! Jensen Moreno's paintings are telling touching and inspiring stories, immersing people in the world of art while being inspired and uplifted.
The important work of this art exhibition is' MARIPOSA '
The audience at the opening ceremony not only appreciated the paintings, but also exchanged their feelings with those around them. An art enthusiast said, 'This exhibition is really great! Being able to see the works of painters from different countries made me feel the boundarylessness of art, and each piece has its own unique charm, leaving a lasting impression.'.
(Guests attending the exhibition)
这次画展也让咱们见证了三位组织者女性:张珂睿Canna、Jenson Moreno 詹森和张灿Anna刚柔并济的女性力量,宛如斯次画展主题破茧成蝶的三只顺心盛开的蝴蝶。
This art exhibition also allowed us to witness the power of three female organizers: Zhang Kerui / Canna, Jensen Moreno, and Zhang Can / Anna. The combination of strength and softness in women is like the three beautiful blooming butterflies that break through the cocoon and become butterflies!
(左到右顺次为Canna,Anna, Jensen)(From left to right are Canna, Anna, Jensen)
这次海外画家Jensen Moreno艺术展览将合手续一年,为弘远不雅众提供了一个贫窭的艺术赏玩和学习契机。确信通过这次展览,将进一步鼓吹海外间的艺术疏通与调和,为天下艺术的发展和新式SPA与艺术相归拢注入新的念念路和活力。
The art exhibition of international artist Jensen Moreno will last for one year, providing a rare opportunity for the audience to appreciate and learn art. We believe that through this exhibition, it will further promote international artistic exchange and cooperation, injecting new ideas and vitality into the development of world art and the combination of new SPA and art.
(Appreciation of Some Paintings)
Let us look forward to this international artist art exhibition continuing to shine in the future, bringing us more artistic surprises.
展览处所:北京向阳区开国门南大街2号 北京索菲特大酒店3层KOCOON SPA水疗中心
Exhibition Time
October 22, 2024- October 22, 2025
Exhibition Location: KOCOON SPA Center, 3rd Floor, Sofitel Beijing, No. 2 Jianguomen South Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Opening hours: Monday to Sunday 10:00-16:00 (closing at 15:30)ag百家乐漏洞