发布日期:2024-12-26 04:19 点击次数:110
Chinese para swimmming sensation Jiang Yuyan enjoyed a perfect tournament at the Paris Paralymics where she collected seven gold medals.
PARIS, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese para swimmer Jiang Yuyan enjoyed an amazing journey at the Paris Paralympic Games by grabbing a total of seven golds in ten days.
"It's a perfect tournament for me," said the second time Paralympian after clinching the title in the women's 100m backstroke S6 event with a new world record on Saturday. "I was not sure if I could win this event."
The 19-year-old suffered from severe period pain on Friday but still managed to win her sixth gold in Paris in the women's 400m freestyle S6 event.
"My mom did suggest me that maybe I could quit today's competition, but I came a long way to be here and I am in a good form. I still wanted to give it a go even though I was not sure if could win," revealed Jiang. "I just asked myself to spare no effort and have no regret."
Jiang, who lost her right arm and leg after she was involved in a car accident when she was four years old,百家乐AG真人 started her gold-collecting journey from the first competition day on August 29 when she won the women's 50m S6 freestyle in a Paralympic record of 32.59 seconds.
Then she was so relieved as she was worried about her performance. "Usually I will have a slow start."
Then the outgoing teenager was unstoppable despite a tight schedule. She was enrolled in six individual events and three relays and managed to top the podium seven times.
"Neither my coach nor my family set any target for me, but I always ask myself to push to the limit when representing my country," said Jiang previously.
"I know many people with disabilities would watch me competing especially at the Paralympic Games. I really want to tell them that as long as you have dreams and try your best to pursuit them, we will all be seen and we will all shine."
She has been selected as one of the two flag bearers for the Chinese delegation at the closing ceremony on Sunday.
"It's a compliment for my performance and it's pricelessag真人百家乐会假吗," said Jiang. ■
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