ag百家乐网址 WADA approves new prohibited list to strengthen global anti-doping system

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ag百家乐网址 WADA approves new prohibited list to strengthen global anti-doping system
发布日期:2025-01-01 07:05    点击次数:63

MONTREAL, Canada, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- The World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA's) Executive Committee (ExCo) on Thursday approved a new list of prohibited substances and methods aimed at strengthening the global anti-doping system.

During its third meeting of the year, held in Belek, Türkiye, the ExCo approved the 2025 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (List), which outlines substances and methods prohibited under the World Anti-Doping Code, according to a news release issued by WADA.

The ExCo also approved the inclusion of substances in the 2025 Monitoring Program. This program includes substances not on the List but which WADA monitors for potential patterns of misuse in sports,ag竞咪百家乐 the release said.

There will be a limited number of modifications to both documents, which are set to be published before October 2024 and take effect on Jan. 1, 2025, according to the release.

Additionally, the Shanghai Anti-Doping Laboratory was approved to conduct blood analyses exclusively in support of the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP).

Following a review process led by WADA's Science Department and Laboratory Expert Advisory Groupag百家乐网址, it was determined that the laboratory successfully completed the necessary technical and administrative steps required for WADA ABP approval, as established in the International Standard for Laboratories, the release said.  ■

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