令行家随机的是,客岁刚凭借《某种物资》拿下金球奖的黛米·摩尔(Demi Moore)在这次影后角逐中,输给了年仅25岁的《阿诺拉》女主演麦琪·麦迪森(Mikey Madison)。


Mikey Madison
Mikey Madison won big at the BAFTAs!
The breakthrough star is this year’s lead actress winner for her work in Anora at the 78th annual British Academy Film Awards ceremony, hosted by David Tennant, on Feb. 16 at London's Royal Festival Hall.
这位冉冉升空的新星凭借在电影《阿诺拉》中的 出色扮演,荣膺第78届英国电影学院奖最好女主角奖。授奖庆典于2月16日在伦敦皇家节日大厅举行,由大卫·田纳特主握。

\"I wasn't expecting this,\" Madison, 25, said as she took the stage. \"I probably should have listened to my publicist and wrote a speech or something.\" She first thanked director Sean Baker, saying, \"I just adore you. You are an incredible person. I know you don't like it when I praise you, but I have to just for a second. You're so wonderful. You literally made my dreams come true.\"

Mikey Madison

Up until her teens, Mikey, who grew up in the San Fernando Valley with four siblings, trained inhorseback ridingand intended to go competitive.
However, by the time she was 14, she realized that the sport didn't ignite the same spark that the stage and screen did.

After moving to L.A., Madison grew curious about acting, so her mother signed her up for her first acting class.
Developing a passion for it, she acted inlow-budgetmovies until she booked Better Things in 2016, which went on to air for five seasons. Madison told The Cut that the drama was “my introduction to acting, my college, my film school, really everything.”
她迟缓对扮演充满了关爱,开动参演一些低本钱的电影,直到2016年她取得了《更好意思好的事》的变装,该剧最终播出了五季。麦迪森在吸收《The Cut》采访时示意,这部剧是“我斗争扮演的起始,是我的大学,是我的电影学院,险些包含了我的一切。”

In 2019, she appeared in Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and in 2022, she starred in the fifth installment of the Scream franchise.
2019 年,她出演了昆汀·塔伦蒂诺执导的《好莱坞旧事》,2022 年,ag百家乐假不假她主演了《惊声尖叫5》。

Mikey Madison

《阿诺拉》是一部低本钱黑马电影,自上映以来,口碑南北极分化,到底讲了一个什么故事呢?以下是泰晤士报 (The Times)对该片的简介:
The story follows the exploits of a resilient stripper and escort called Anora “Ani” Mikheeva (Madison), who is hired by Vanya (Mark Eydelshteyn), the mercurial son of a Russianoligarchwith access to a giant Brighton Beach mega-mansion, for a single week of hedonistic partying and sensual pleasure.
故事推崇了一个脱衣舞娘兼伴游女郎阿诺拉“安妮”米希耶娃(麦迪逊 饰)的资历。她被一个名叫瓦尼亚(马克·埃德尔斯坦 饰)的俄罗斯富翁犬子雇佣,赶赴布莱顿海滩的一栋广阔豪宅,进活动期一周的温柔狂欢。

During that time, however, an apparently heartfelt connection develops and Vanya hatches a crazed plan to marry Ani in Vegas, thereby simultaneously celebrating their love and nabbi ng himself agreen card. However, Vanya’s all-powerful and wildly protective family (armed bodyguards are involved) hear of the plan and fly directly to America, and there begins ascrewballcomedy of funny, furious and emotionally resonant proportions.

《阿诺拉》自上映以来,口碑南北极分化。 豆瓣评分仅6.8分,但它取得了第97届奥斯卡金像奖6项提名。

因为女主是脱衣舞女, 有东谈主质问其“克扣女性”。 也有东谈主示意这是2024年度最好,因为它让东谈主坚信,在褴褛不胜的宇宙里,仍然保有一点轻柔。
不外,麦琪·麦迪 森的扮演得到了人人的一致好评,关节她才25岁,改日可期。你看好她取得奥斯卡影后吗?
horseback riding(看成文娱或测验的)骑马
low-budgetadj. 低本钱的,经费有限的
oligarch/ ˈɒlɪɡɑːk / n.寡头政事在朝者
green card绿卡 (允许番邦公民在好意思国活命和职责的证件)
screwball/ ˈskruːbɔːl / adj.荒唐好笑的

外教1对1实景变装演练, 学完当然说