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AG真人百家乐官方>>你的位置:ag百家乐网址入口 > AG真人百家乐官方 > ag真人百家乐每天赢100 Top-ranked Wang defeats Shinozuka at WTT China Smash first round

ag真人百家乐每天赢100 Top-ranked Wang defeats Shinozuka at WTT China Smash first round

发布日期:2025-01-02 10:25    点击次数:84

BEIJINGag真人百家乐每天赢100, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- World No.1 Wang Chuqin of China beat Hiroto Shinozuka of Japan 11-6, 11-3, 11-6 in the men's singles first round at the World Table Tennis (WTT) China Smash here on Sunday.

Wang started strong in the first set and took lead early. The 24-year-old also dominated the rest of the game with another two sets to sail into the last 32.

"When I saw the draw,ag百家乐网站 I thought it would be a difficult match. I prepared a lot and had a stable performance today. I can feel the enthusiasm in the venue, which is my honor to play here," Wang said after the 22-minute match.

The main draw of WTT China Smash will be staged in Beijing's Shougang Park from September 29 to October 6.  ■ag真人百家乐每天赢100

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