AG真人百家乐怎么玩 The use of aluminum nitride
If high thermal conductivity and electrical insulation performance are required, aluminum nitride (AlN) is an excellent material. Due to its qualityAG真人百家乐怎么玩,AG真人百家乐 it is an ideal material for thermal management and electrical applications. Some common applications of aluminum nitride include:
1. Radiators and radiators
2. Electrical insulator of laser
3. Chuck and clamp ring used for semiconductor processing equipment
张开剩余51%4. Electric insulator
5. Silicon chip processing and fabrication
6. Substrates and insulators for microelectronic and optoelectronic devices
7. Electronic packaging substrate
8. Chip carriers for sensors and detectors
9. Small chip
10. Clamp head
11. Laser thermal management component
12. Molten metal fixture
13. Microwave equipment packagingAG真人百家乐怎么玩
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