AG真人百家乐下载 How to make waste incinerators more energy

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AG真人百家乐下载 How to make waste incinerators more energy
发布日期:2024-10-27 17:45    点击次数:171

How to make waste incinerators more energy-efficient?AG真人百家乐下载

China Zhejiang Thermomagnetic Decomposition Patent,

Completely eliminate fuel consumption,

The world's number one energy-saving product.

Magnetic pyrolysis garbage treatment equipment,

China Zhejiang magnetic thermal decomposition super energy-saving technology,

The temperature of the organic matter treatment process is low.

Avoid the production of heavy metals and dioxins.


Food scraps (dry), plastic film, cardboard,ag百家乐苹果版下载 shells, fishing nets, floating objects at sea, and other easily carbonized materials can be processed.

Chinese patented equipment: magnetic energy thermal decomposition low temperature technology,

Garbage reduction rate: 1/200~1/400,

Form carbon substances and restore the natural environment.

No harm, become part of the earth.


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