ag真人百家乐会假吗 GB 11566

发布日期:2024-01-19 13:52    点击次数:71

GB 11566-2024 英文版/翻译版 乘用车外部凸出物



1 规模

本文献规定了M₁ 类车辆外部凸出物的一般要求、很是要求过火检会措施。

本文献适用于M 类车辆。


2 模范性援用文献

下列文献中的践诺通过文中的模范性援用而构本钱文献必不行少的条件。其中,注日历的援用文 件,仅该日历对应的版块适用于本文献;不注日历的援用文献,其最新版块(包括统共的修改单)适用于 本文献。

GB 15084-2022 纯真车辆盘曲视线安装性能和安装要求

GB/T 15089 纯真车辆及挂车分类

3 术语和界说


GB/T 15089界定的以及下列术语和界说适用于本文献。


前罩盖 front hood



外名义 external surface


注 :包括前罩盖、行李箱盖、车门、翼子板、车顶、照明及灯光信号安装和可见的加强筋等。


底线 floor line

用半角为30°的圆锥体,沿一满载车辆的外名义可战争的最低位置采集战争,被战争点所酿成的几 何轨迹。

注 1:圆锥体自行笃定锥高,以操作浅易为原则,锥顶进取,锥轴与水平面垂直。

注2:笃定底线时,不磋商起重器支承点、排气管或车轮的身分。车轮上的拱形舛误可假思成填平后所酿成的采集 光滑名义,在笃定车辆两头的底线时,需磋商保障杠。对某一具体车型,锥体战争点可能在保障杠的端头或在 保障杠底下的车身板件上。要是同期有两个或两个以上的战争点,取最底下的战争点来笃定底线。


圆角半径 radius of curvature



满载车辆 laden vehicle


注:要是车辆装备有液气、液力或空气吊挂安装,ag百家乐老板或随载荷变化的自动相识安装,按制造商规定普通行驶条件下的 最不利现象装载。


车辆最外旯旮 extreme outer edge

关于车辆两侧,与车辆的Y 平面平行且与车辆两侧最外旯旮相切的两平面;关于车辆前/后端,与 车 辆X 平面平行且与车辆前/后最外旯旮相切的垂直横向平面。

注 :在笃定车辆最外旯旮时.不磋商以下凸出物:








凸出物尺寸 the dimension of the projection



车身板件标定线 the nominal line of a panel

按6.2.2的措施,用直径为100 mm 的球体对某一零件名义测量时,通过领先与终末位置的两球心 的连线。


天线 aerial



保障杠 bumper


注 :包括在车辆发生低速正面碰撞或后部碰撞时保护车辆的统共结构及附件。


保障杠袒护件 bumper cover



监控摄像机-监视器-摄像树立 surveillance camera-monitor-recording device

安装在车辆里面或外部的摄像机和监视器或摄像安装,用于不雅察除GB 15084规定外的视线或监视车辆里面或周围的安全。

注:不包括GB15084-2022 中3.12界说的摄像机-监视器系统。


监视镜 surveillance mirror


[开头 :GB 15084-2022, 3.5]

4 一般要求

4.1 处于罢手及行驶状态下的车辆均应相宜4.2~4.6的要求,除非第5章有明确要求。

4.2 在车辆满载,车门、车窗及各式进口的盖板均处于关闭状态时,下各位于车辆外名义的零件适用于 本文献:

——不高于大地2m 的零件; ——不低于底线的零件;

能被直径为100 mm 的球体所波及的零件。

4.3 车辆外名义不应有任何朝外的机敏零件,以及由于其体式、尺寸、朝向、硬度等在碰撞事故中可能 加多刮伤、撞伤的危急性或加剧被撞者伤势的朝外的凸出物。

4.4 车辆外名义不应有可能刮到行东谈主、骑自行车或摩托车等东谈主员的朝外零件。

4.5 车辆外名义凸出零件的圆角半径不应小于2.5mm。

注1:本条不适用于凸出外名义不跨越1.5mm的零件以及凸出外名义1.5mm以上、5mm以下但朝外的部分是圆 滑的零件 。

注2:本条不适用于格栅上固定元件或活动元件(包括相差风谈口的零件以及散热器罩)间的舛误宽度小于40mm 的情况 。

4.6 车辆外名义凸出零件的材料硬度不跨越邵氏硬度60 HA 时,圆角半径准许小于2.5 mm。

External projections for passenger cars

1 Scope

This document specifies general requirements, special requirements and test methods for external projections for vehicles of category M1.

This document is applicable to vehicles of category M1.

This document is not applicable to external devices for indirect vision and traction devices.

2 Normative references

The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

GB 15084-2022 Motor vehicles - Devices for indirect vision - Requirements of performance and installation

GB/T 15089 Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 15089 and the following apply.


front hood

lid of the powertrain compartment and/or luggage compartment located in front of the windshield


external surface

visible surface on the exterior of the vehicle

Note: This includes the front hood, luggage compartment lid, doors, fenders, roof, lighting and light signal devices, and visible stiffening ribs.


floor line

geometric trajectory formed by the continuous contact points between a cone with a half angle of 30° and the lowest contactable positions on the external surface of a laden vehicle

Note 1: The cone height may be determined at your discretion, based on the principle of convenient operation, with the apex upward and the axis perpendicular to the horizontal plane.

Note 2: When determining the floor line, factors such as jack support points, exhaust pipes or wheels are not considered. The gap between the wheel and the wheel arch may be imagined as smoothed out, and the bumper shall be considered when determining the floor line at both ends of the vehicle. For a specific vehicle model, the contact points may be at the bumper ends or the panel below the bumper. If there are two or more contact points, take the lowest to determine the floor line.


radius of curvature

radius of the arc of the circle which approximates most to the curved form of the part in question


laden vehicle

vehicle loaded to its maximum permissible mass

Note: For vehicles equipped with hydraulic, pneumatic, or air suspension systems, or automatic leveling devices that vary with load, load the vehicle according to the most unfavorable condition under normal traveling specified by the manufacturer.


extreme outer edge

for the side of the vehicle, it refers to the two planes parallel to the Y-plane of the vehicle and tangent to the outermost edges of the sides; for the front/rear end, it refers to the vertical transverse planes parallel to the X-plane of the vehicle and tangent to the outermost edges of the front/rear

Note: The following protrusions are not considered when determining the extreme outer edge:

——Tire-ground contact area and tire valve;

——Anti-skid devices mounted on the wheels;

——Devices for indirect vision;

——Side turn signals, end outline marker lamps, front and rear (side) position lamps, and parking lamps;

——Parts mounted on the front/rear bumpers of the vehicle;

——Traction devices and exhaust pipes.


the dimension of the projection

dimensions of part projections mounted on the external surface of the vehicle


the nominal line of a panel

the line connecting the centers of the sphere (100 mm in diameter) at the first and last positions in contact with the surface of a part when measured according to the method specified in 6.2.2



device used for transmitting and/or receiving electromagnetic signals



lower external member at the front or rear of the vehicle

Note: This includes all structures and accessories to protect the vehicle in the event of low-speed frontal or rear collisions


bumper cover

non-rigid external surface of the bumper


surveillance camera-monitor-recording device

cameras, monitors or recording devices installed inside or outside the vehicle for observing the fields of vision not covered by GB 15084, or for monitoring the interior or surroundings of the vehicle for safety purposes

Note: This excludes the camera-monitor system defined in GB 15084-2022, 3.12.


surveillance mirror

mirror intended to provide additional fields of vision, which can be mounted on the external surface or in the passenger compartment of a vehicle

[Source: GB 15084-2022, 3.5]

4 General requirements

4.1 Vehicles must comply with the requirements of 4.2 to 4.6 in both stationary and driving conditions unless otherwise specified in Clause 5.

4.2 For a laden vehicle with doors, windows, and various entry covers closed, this document shall apply to the following external parts:

——Parts not higher than 2 m aboveground;

——Parts not lower than the floor line;

——Parts that can be touched by a sphere with a diameter of 100 mm.

4.3 The external surface of the vehicle shall be free of any outward-facing sharp parts or projections that could increase the risk of scrapes or crush injuries in a collision due to their shape, dimension, orientation, or hardness.

4.4 The external surface of the vehicle shall be free of any outward-facing parts that may scratch people such as pedestrians, bicyclists or motorcyclists.

4.5 The radius of curvature of the projecting parts on the external surface of the vehicle shall not be less than 2.5 mm.

Note 1: This provision is not applicable to parts projecting by no more than 1.5 mm, nor to parts projecting by more than 1.5 mm and less than 5 mm but with smooth outward surface.

Note 2: This provision does not apply to circumstances where the width of the gap between fixed or movable elements on the grille (including parts of the air intake and outlet ducts and the radiator cover) is less than 40 mm.

4.6 When the material hardness of external projecting parts on the vehicle does not exceed 60 HAag真人百家乐会假吗, the radius of curvature may be less than 2.5 mm.
