ag百家乐接口多少钱 中国发现众人最陈旧鸟类!
发布日期:2024-06-14 07:09:48 点击次数:72
2月13日ag百家乐接口多少钱,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古东说念主类权术所与福建省地质探望权术院兼并髻布最新权术着力:通过对福建省政和动物群发现的鸟类化石的权术,发现众人最陈旧的鸟类之一——“政和八闽鸟”(Baminornis zhenghensis),亦然迄今独一确切的侏罗纪鸟类,揭示了当代鸟类的体型结构在侏罗纪晚期(距今1.5亿年)就也曾出现。关连权术着力北京时候2月13日在《当然》发表。
A set of fossils discovered in East China's Fujian province has been identified as the only known unambiguous record of Jurassic birds, pushing back the origin of birds to the late Middle Jurassic period and rewriting the history of avian evolution.
Jurassic /dʒʊˈræsɪk/ 侏罗纪的
avian /ˈeɪviən/ 鸟(类)的

“政和八闽鸟”和“政和动物群”生态规复图 图源:新华社
After a year of restoration and research, a joint team from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Fujian Institute of Geological Survey confirmed that the set of fossils discovered in November 2023 in Daxi village of Fujian's Zhenghe county belong to a bird from the late Middle Jurassic period.
中国科学院古脊椎动物与古东说念主类权术所权术员、科学探索奖获奖东说念主王敏先容, 笔据一些体重的测算公式,能估算出八闽鸟的体重在150克傍边,“和一些袖珍的鹦鹉大小比拟临近”。
\"After systematic research and comparison, the hypothesis was confirmed. The restored bird weighed over 150 grams, similar to a domesticated pet parrot,\" said Wang Min, a researcher from the CAS institute.
The area of the fossil assemblage, characterized by swamps and wetlands, was home to a diverse array of species of fish, amphibians and reptiles, among others.

“政和八闽鸟”化石 图源:央视新闻)
Its fossils display a unique combination of features including birdlike shoulder and pelvic girdles as well as a hand structure resembling that of nonavian dinosaurs, according to the CAS.
What makes the Baminornis unique is that it has a short tail that consists of the pygostyle, which is a key feature of the modern bird body plan,\" Wang said.
One of the most significant differences between birds and reptiles is in their tails. Avian species have shorter tails with fewer tail vertebrae, and the last few vertebrae are fused into a structure called the pygostyle.
据了解,现时全宇宙最陈旧的鸟类,比拟公认的是德国发现的(The Archaeopteryx),它发当今侏罗纪本事,距今简略1.5亿年。关连词鼻祖鸟的分类位置近期受到质疑,部分权术以为鼻祖鸟属于恐爪龙类,而非鸟类。
The Archaeopteryx, the fossils of which were first discovered around 1860, belonged to the Late Jurassic period and was once considered the earliest bird. However, its long tail and primitive features led some scientists to question its classification as a bird. Instead, they suggested that it belonged to a group of bird-like dinosaurs.
The discovery of this furcula confirms that at least two species of birds lived in the Zhenghe Fauna. If the furcula indeed belongs to the ornithuromorpha, the origin of birds would be pushed back even further.
记者:闫东洁 胡好意思东
着手:央视新闻 新华社 中国日报