AG真人百家乐下载 外洋之声 | IMF副总裁:激荡之下,财政策略该若何转型


AG真人百家乐下载 外洋之声 | IMF副总裁:激荡之下,财政策略该若何转型

发布日期:2024-02-04 20:47    点击次数:169




现时经济环境与已往比拟已发生深远变化。始终宽松的财政策略正在推高国债风险溢价,加多假贷成本。举例,好意思国因财政赤字扩大,始终国债收益率权贵上涨,并通过金融市集对其他经济体产生溢出效应。而高债务水平带来的经济风险扼制低估。最初, 政事撑捏正渐渐偏向扩大政府支拨,而削减赤字或按捺支拨的声息日益式微。这种趋势跳动党派不对,加重归还务风险。其次,全球性挑战进一步推高了财政需求。从时势变化到东谈主口老龄化,再到地缘政事激励的防务支拨,政府财政压力空前加重。据臆度,百家乐ag跟og有什么区别到2030年,全球应付此类问题的支拨将占GDP的7-8%,欧洲的联系支拨则每年高达5500亿至1.1万亿欧元。

面对这些挑战,列国需要“增长、驻防和公众”三管皆下。第一,通过进步分娩率和刺激调动,推动经济增长是惩办债务问题的中枢。举例,欧盟可通过深化单一市集、摈斥生意壁垒、鼓励老本市集和银行业一体化,开释更多经济后劲。 第二,建造中期财政规章和寥寂财政委员会,提供透明和问责机制,确保财政次第的落实与实施。 第三,应加强公众参与和策略不异。有用的信息传播与公众教师不祥减少污蔑,提高对复杂策略的撑捏度。




A Strategic Pivot in Global Fiscal Policy

Speech by IMF First Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath at the Central Bank of Ireland’s WhitakerLecture, Dublin

September 18, 2024

Global public debt has grown sizably over the last few years as governments tackled pandemics and energy and food insecurity. Public debt reached 93 percent of GDP in 2023 and is projected to approach 100 percent of GDP by the end of this decade. Debt in some of the largest economies like the US and China is projected to grow even faster than in the pre-pandemic years. Although public debt in Europe is expected to broadly stabilize, debt remains well-above pre-pandemic levels.

With monetary policy easing and unemployment at low levels in several countries, now is the time for a strategic pivot in fiscal policy. Such a pivot begins with a recognition of the true scale of fiscal risks: It is worse than you think. This calls for further recognizing that the economic consequences of high debt can no longer be dismissed in advanced economies. Borrowing costs and economic activity are increasingly impacted by loose fiscal policy. Lastly, for any fiscal strategy to succeed, economically and politically, it will need to focus on growth, guardrails, and grassroots.

Scale of Fiscal Risks

First, let’s look at the true scale of fiscal risks. There are several upside risks here.

To start with, there has been a significant change in the political economy environment. New IMF research documents that over the last few decades the political discourse on fiscal issues has become increasingly favorable to higher government spending. Political manifestos (or platforms) have a growing share of statements favoring public spending.

At the same time, restraint discourse – the share of a political manifesto calling for an outright reduction of budget deficits or the limitation of public spending – has declined across the board over time. Moreover, political redlines on raising taxes are becoming more entrenched. This is the case both for advanced economies and for emerging and developing economies. This is the case regardless of party ideologies – left or right. This pro-expansion trend creates significant upside risks for the debt outlook. While now is a good time to reduce deficits in several countries, governments instead may choose to kick the can down the road.

In addition to political shifts, there are big structural shifts that call for greater government spending. Countries will need to spend more on climate mitigation and adaptation, on healthcare and on pensions as populations age, and on defense needs as geopolitical tensions rise.

This new spending could amount to 7-8 percent of GDP annually on average for the global economy by 2030. For Europe this would add up to 2.5-5 percent of GDP, that is 550 billion to 1.1 trillion euros by 2030. These spending pressures may not be fully accounted for in baseline debt projections and are therefore likely to amplify upside risks to the debt outlook.

Finally, experience confirms there is an optimism bias in debt projections. Analysis covering the period between 1990 and 2021 shows that realized debt-to-GDP ratios in many countries tend to be significantly higher than projected over the medium-term. The two main reasons for this are optimistic growth projections – crises and pandemics are unforecastable --and realized fiscal adjustments that fall far short of plans. This bias can be seen in Europe, with outcomes exceeding forecasts significantly over a 5-year horizon. If history were to repeat itself, debt could rise by 8-11 percentage points of GDP above the baseline projections in European economies by 2030.

Let me conclude. Political and structural trends are increasingly pressuring governments to spend more and borrow more. If history is any guide, the trajectory of debt will be worse than any of us project today, and considerably so. This is not sustainable, and we need to strategically pivot.

Countries, especially those where output is close to potential, like the US and most in Europe, need to start now on a path of gradual fiscal consolidation. The strategy with the greatest chance of success should focus on growth; have effective guardrails to ensure compliance; and foster close engagement with all stakeholders, including civil society, to ensure their buy-in.







国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund,IMF)





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